Animals of Cedar Creek

Animals of Cedar Creek

Wild, Feral, and Domestic


Find out more

Being an animal in Cedar Creek!

ALL avatars in Cedar Creek are expected to follow the Cedar Creek Covenant regardless of their species. Below you can find a link to that Covenant.

We offer Pet Registration, which doubles as an animal avatar’s citizenship and registration for Cedar Creek. No, you do NOT need to actually be a PET in order to register with Cedar Creek.

We offer a type of “Service Animal” registration as well.  Those details can be found below.

Fantasy style animals are NOT permitted within Cedar Creek.

Frequently Asked Questions…Possibly Answered
Is your animal avatar allowed?

If your animal avatar is REALISTIC to the CURRENT year and the area of Colorado, then YES it is allowed!

Be it feral, wild, or domestic!

You must have a realistic size for your animal, you must have a realistic color for your animal, you must act in a realistic manner for that animal, and ANY attachments be they decorations or physical must be realistic AND adhere to the Cedar Creek Covenant.

Are exotic animals permitted?

Possession of a Dangerous and/or Exotic Animal is a legal offense in Cedar Creek. If you are aiming to be a pet of someone, they could be charged with this infraction. If you are trying to roleplay a “dangerous animal” it must be native to Colorado. If you are trying to roleplay an “exotic animal” this means that you would NOT be native to Colorado and would need a valid backstory or current story line as to how you came to be in Cedar Creek. You can contact a moderator in order to find out if that is the case with your story line.

If I am a winged animal, can I fly in Cedar Creek?

If you are a winged animal with a flying HUD for said animal, you can fly. You CANNOT fly onto or over rented residential lots, you must stay in chat range of folks (this means no more than 20 meters off the ground at ANY point), AND you must be interactive with postings in at least the local chat range so that others can interact with you. If at ANY point you are found violating any of this, you will no longer be permitted to fly and run the risk of ruining the ability for other winged animals to do the same.

I am a stray animal, do I still need to register?

We highly encourage ALL those in Cedar Creek to register, be them human, humanoid, or animal. Even as an animal (feral, domestic or wild), registering is the ONLY way to gain Citizenship in Cedar Creek.

Cedar Creek Covenant

NEW Pet Registration (Citizenship)

UPDATE/RENEW Pet Registration

Service Canines of Cedar Creek

Interested in being a Service Canine? Not sure what that is? It is essentially the same as a “Service Animal” however in Cedar Creek we only permit Canines to do that job.

Why do you need to register as a Service Canine?
It is the only way to ICly be recognized as a Service Canine in Cedar Creek. With this registration, you will be able to enter into all buildings within Cedar Creek as long as you are WITH the human you are registered to. You cannot be legally forced to separate from said person either, as long as you (and they) have completed the necessary steps to become (and have) a Service Canine.

**Emotional Support animals will not be given unlimited access nor be approved as a “Service Canine”.  Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals are two different things.