Cedar Creek Communications Application

Communications Center

Application for Employment


  • The members of the Cedar Creek Communications Department are trained to take and dispatch emergency calls that come in from the community. At times they will also handle non emergency calls, as well as specialized communications. They are dedicated to assisting the Emergency Departments of Cedar Creek, being a source of information and their voice or line between callers and themselves. Our office holds a promising future for individuals who are genuinely interested in a challenging career to help our heros protect and serve.
  • You MUST possess a VALID form of identification issued by the Cedar Creek DMV. You must become a part of the Cedar Creek Township Group ((This is the Roleplay Group for the Community)) Need to be at least 18 years of age and willing to monitor the Township Group Chat for incoming 911 Calls. You will be trained on dispatching these emergencies and how to properly inform the necessary Emergency Units.
  • When completing this application, you should remember that unless otherwise stated all information should be considered in a Role-play context. The Cedar Creek Communications Dept. reserves the right to collect basic Real Life demographics regarding Applicants for the purpose of evaluation of their ability to perform tasks or be exposed to the potentially adult situations encountered.

Section I

    Personal Information


Section II

    Experience and Employment

  • Previous Emergency Dept RP experience is not required to become a Dispatcher. Emergency Depts include Law Enforcement, Fire, and Medical. Select the answers most appropriate to your experience level, in the case of the scenario questions please choose an answer that you feel best fits the situation.

Section III

    Dispatcher Questionnaire

  • Remember to complete these as they would relate to RP and SL.
