Cedar Creek Sales Agent Application

Cedar Creek Real Estate

Application for Employment

Application for Employment


  • Welcome to the Cedar Creek Sales Agent application! We appreciate you taking the time to review this and apply. This position is a paid position with Cedar Creek and will require dedication and time. Currently we are looking for a daytime and evening staff position. Your avatar must be an adult avatar. While experience isn't required, it does help greatly given the tasks you will be responsible for.
  • Below you will find the job responsibilities of the position: You MUST possess a VALID form of identification issued by the Cedar Creek DMV. You must become a part of the Cedar Creek Township Group ((This is the Roleplay Group for the Community)) Review and know the Covenant to better answer renter questions on various items Provides guidance and assists buyers in purchasing property by determining clients needs and financial abilities Markets property to potential buyers Prepares necessary paperwork for completing a sale Keep Subtenant List up to date weekly Ensure that Rental Logs and Reservation Lists are regularly updated Conduct exit interviews to see how we can better Cedar Creek to retain more renters Create BRIEF listing descriptions for properties and take desirable pictures to showcase a property With the above listed, if the position still interests you then please continue with the completion of the application.

Section 1

    Personal/Character Information


Section 2

    Availability and General Questions


Section 3



Section 4

    Experience and References

