When someone says the term ‘roleplay’, there are varieties in Second Life as to what it could mean. Below we describe some of the common styles and then explain what is acceptable in Cedar Creek.
Action Roleplay
Action roleplay is simply taking visual action with your avatar to SHOW what you are doing. This typically includes shooter-esque type sims, where players use a life HUD (Heads-Up Display), and if they are struck by a bullet, their life score goes down. Once it strikes zero, the player dies. Due to the speed involved in this, the players don’t have many opportunities to emote or describe their actions. As such, anything that is said is typically simply typed into local chat with no regard to formatting. Since this is live, players must be quick and take reactive action as soon as something occurs.
Casual Roleplay
Casual roleplay is a free-form, text-based, animation-enhanced, turn-styled roleplay. This means that players have free will, to do what they please (within the guidelines of the Linden Labs Sim Rating and the Cedar Creek Covenant). Players must emote their in-character actions and are welcome to act out the action and utilize the objects to enhance the experience, but it is not required that they utilize objects. Once a character has emoted their action, thoughts, or statements, the next player has an opportunity to respond before the first player may make another post. If there are more than two players involved in a scene, then a post order is established based on the introduction of characters.
Para-roleplay is short for paragraph roleplay. In essence, it is the same as Casual Roleplay in terms of rules, such as free-from, text-based, animation-enhanced, and turn-styled. However, the posts made by players can be of considerable length and take time to type out, as each person generally adds a segment of a story from their character’s viewpoint. In essence, each player is contributing to the writing of a novel.
Cedar Creek utilizes the Casual and Para Roleplay styles. We DO NOT permit the use of Combat/Fantasy HUDs or Action Roleplay.
Roleplay Terminology
Getting Started in Cedar Creek
Roleplayer’s Code of Conduct
Getting Further Involved
When Problems Arise